Hello everyone,
(this is my first post BTW, I’ll try to be as clear as possible)
I want to include roles dynamically using this bit of code in my playbook.yml
- name: “Including roles dynamically”
remote_user: “{{ target_user }}”
name: “{{ item }}”
with_items: “{{ roles_to_install | unique }}”
I have roles like following:
role1 → common
role2 → role1
My goal is to always include every role (but I also have another use case where I want to specify which roles will be included).
And using this method, if I try with roles_to_install = [‘role1’, ‘role2’]
These roles will be included :
role 2 : 1 time
role 1 : 2 times
common : 3 times
I searched through issues posted on git repo, I found some which may seem duplicates for me, but no solution was provided. (24326, 47374 ).
ansible --version: 2.7.10
I also tried with allow_duplicates: no
but the problem is not related to role inclusion, but to the dependency inclusion.
Do you have an idea of what I could have forgotten? Maybe there is another way of treating the problem?
Thank you for your time,
If you need information I forgot, I’ll be glad to add them