Now, in my inventory, if I have a server to which I’ve assigned multiple roles, the “common” role is getting applied twice, once for each roleX.yml file that applies to the server.
Is there any way to “de-duplicate” roles before applying? Or perhaps a different way I can structure things to avoid having my “common” role applied multiple times?
Erik, this is occurring because these roles are spanning multiple plays (which is what the “include: whatever.yml” syntax does) and we do not currently de-dupe roles across plays (only within plays). This question has come up in the past, such as this thread:
Other than speed(because it takes longer to run duplicate roles), is this really a problem? A playbook result should always have a constant, final output, when it is done with all it's tasks. A duplicate role is simliar to just running a playbook multiple times, which shouldn't really cause any changes.