I’m trying to write generic roles for particular applications and keep hitting across the same problem:
I want to set role default based on the operating system or other facts, like include_vars, but this doesn’t appear to be supported.
The only option I see practically available for template is to use the template logic to handle defaults, but that, while flexible, is not as elegant as being able to set by-fact defaults.
The code I’m working at present on is https://github.com/WillsherPartners/ansible-sshd , where there is a large set of defaults and a template. sshd_subsystem_sftp varies depending on OS, but I still want to give the person using the role to option to override the value if they see fit.
Are there any plans for include_vars: (include_defaults?) functionality in Ansible, or is there some other way to tackle per-os defaults?
I’m a little confused by this because you seem to be saying a feature isn’t supported that is actually part of Ansible, but it’s actually a module already in Ansible:
I’d like the included vars injected with the same precedence as those in defaults/main.yml rather than the precedence of vars/main.yml. The documentation is not clear on the what precendence include_vars get.
1. -e variables always win
2. then comes "most everything else"
3. then comes variables defined in inventory
4. then comes facts discovered about a system
5. then "role defaults", which are the most "defaulty" and lose in priority to everything.
I’d like the included vars to have the precedence of 5, rather than 2
Sorry, you’re not going to be able to get it to work every which sort of different way.
I would not assume OS specific defaults or instead just put hosts in a group based on the OS, if you really need that capability, and then could use group_vars/ files to do this.
Testing on 1.5.5 they appear at the level of “most everything else” - a variable defined in a include_vars file overrides an inventory variable. If they were at the level of facts, that would be great and would all default like behaviour and overriding by more environment specific data.
In the docs on precedence, discovered facts come under inventory but the include_vars facts are actually higher precedence than the inventory.
Being able to have a default_vars module would, I maintain, be a boon for reusable roles. They can be less opinionated and fit more circumstances. It allows for user control while not requiring configuration from the end user for the role to work.
Is it something I could implement as a module for my own use or is the variable registration more ingrained than that?
While the default does control what variable gets loaded with “set_fact” (this could have been done without the default) it is still going to get loaded at a level that is not the same as defaults, so inventory can’t override what you have loaded there.
I’d find “include_vars” cleaner personally, if that’s all you want
include_vars: “{{ ansible_os_distribution }}.yml”
Which allows vars/RedHat.yml and vars/Debian.yml in the role.
I also have the need to set environment specific role defaults.
I am using include_vars for this purpose which works fine as long as you don’t want to overwrite some of this role default variables via host_vars.
Because that is not going to work, because host_vars are overwritten by included vars.
Therefore after the include_vars for my role defaults, I include the hostvars explicitly again like this:
- name: Include hostname specific vars
file: "host_vars/{{ inventory_hostname }}.yml"
It works, but I am not sure if this is only working by accident.