Importing AWX package from my django app


I’m wondering how importing AWX project from my own app.
I’m guessing there’s something to do with dockerless environment because my app is going to run on the pure linux centos.

Does anyone succeed to build and run AWX without docker environment or to import AWX from your own project?
If so, please give me some advice.



I don’t have an answer, but I just want to say that I will be interested in a working demonstration of this as well.

I have been wanting to create a new integrated test suite between tower-cli and AWX. There shouldn’t be any problems with installing AWX from source and then running pytest to confirm interoperability. In fact, this would be very similar to how the Shippable tests are being ran for AWX in the first place. For my use case, I would just have to figure out how to install in Travis.

This shouldn’t be any major blockers to getting this working, it will just take some work.