Import static inventory using awx-manage


Hi guys, good morning.

I have a lab with ansible tower and ansible controller and I’m facing dificult to import a static inventory using awx-manage only on ansible controller.

On tower worked without any problems with the command:

awx-manage inventory_import --source=./inventory_toImport --inventory-name=MyServers

When run on controller the command complain about execution environment.

[root@test1 ~]# awx-manage inventory_import -v 3 --source inventory_toImport --inventory-name MyServers
0.844 INFO Updating inventory 3: MyServers
1.034 WARNING The default execution environment (id=6, name=my_custom_eev2, image=hub.test.local/my_custom_eev2:latest) is not available on this node. The image needs to be available locally before using this command, due to registry authentication. To pull this image, either run a job on this node or manually pull the image.

I ran a podman pull to download the image but the error persists.

[root@test1 ~]# podman images
hub.test.local/my_custom_eev2 latest 0752fa1a4408 Less than a second ago 473 MB

1.) what will be the correct way to pull images locally ?
2.) How can I use an specific EE to run the import instead leave the awx-manage trying all that is listed on ansible controller ?

Thank you!

Hi! Is this an AAP installation? If so, please reach out to the Red Hat support team and submit a ticket. Here is the link to do so:

That said, you will need to run podman commands as user “awx”, not root

AWX Team