I'm trying to find a way to get variables from AWX API

Hi there,

I use Gitlab-CI to build my products and they need a bunch of parameters to be built. I centralized them to Ansible (since many projects share the sames variables) and I am currently getting them by ssh-ing into a central server and generating a config file with an Ansible playbook, which then I can use to build.

This is a dirty way of doing it since by SSH, it exposed my whole Ansible project and my vault key. I was wondering if AWX can help me in some way.

I found a clean way of doing it by using the AWX API to get host / groups variables. The issue is that it cannot read encrypted values with vault. This would make me expose my vault key to my Gitlab-CI, which I do not want to do. A dirtier solution would be to create a playbook which will print to stdout some json, so I can call API request to parse stdout by iterating on job_events.

I’m not especially excited by this method. Do you guys have a better solution to lead me in the right way ? Thank you.