I can read the key from KV but cannot pass it on as a private key.

At the time of running the playbook, ansible should be able to source the key from Azure Key Vault and use that key to log in to the hosts.

With managed keys in KV it is possible to capture the key at the run time, but how do I pass that as an ansible_ssh_private_key

  • hosts: tested1
    • name: Install Apache and PHP
      url: ‘https://demkeyvault.vault.azure.net/
      secretname: ‘adminPassword’
      ansible_ssh_private_key: “{{lookup(‘azure_keyvault_secret’,secretname,vault_url=url, client_id=client_id, secret=secret, tenant_id=tenant)}}”
      yum: name=httpd,php state=installed

Ansible version is 2.9