How to make Ansible output look nice?

I have been looking around and cannot find the answer to this…my ansible output looks terrible, and is difficult to read. What is the best way to make it more readable?

(item={‘value’: {u’services’: [u’dns’], u’sources’: [u’’], u’state’: u’enabled’, u’permanent’: u’True’}, ‘key’: u’public’}) => {“failed”: true, “item”: {“key”: “public”, “value”: {“permanent”: “True”, “services”: [“dns”], “sources”: [“”], “state”: “enabled”}}


You can use the callback plugins, specially in 2.0 you can control all
aspects of output.

For more options, visit

I hadn’t gotten a chance to install yet, but I had found this when I was looking for myself.


Hi, thanks! I read through the blog and attempted to set it up, but it’s not working for me yet.