how to specify log-opt of docker run in ansible to limit the log size of a container?

I am using ansible playbook to deploy my app with docker in Jenkins, Recently I want to limit the log size of the app container, with “docker run” has “–log-opt max-size=xxxm” option, but How can I add the same function in ansible playbook?

I tried to set ansible playbook as below, but the test shows it not works.

  - name: start container
      name: "{{docker_container}}"
      image: "{{docker_image}}"
        max-size: 256m
        max-file: 2
        - "/etc/timezone:/etc/timezone"
        - "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime"
        - "{{published_ports}}"
      recreate: yes

The location of log file of container which I want to limit the size is as the file below:


Thanks for your reply first :slight_smile: