How to set the description for hosts in a dynamic inventory


I’m using a dynamic inventory - python that pulls in hosts from a Google Sheet. It all works well, except that the description always appears as ‘imported’. I can manually edit an imported entry to set the description for each (as you can see in the top line), but would like this to be automatic.

The reason I want this value at the higher level is because the ‘name’ in the first column is a serial number (for uniqueness) and the description is a more human-friendly string.

When I click on a host that shows as ‘imported’ in the description column on the list view, I can see that my description has been put in the extra variables:

So I know that there’s a value in there, but it is ending up in the wrong place.
If I browse the API for host 18, I see this:

My description has become part of the host_vars it seems. The description field in the next level up is ‘imported’.

According to the API docs ( the description should be settable and is blank by default. Something is obviously setting it to ‘imported’ but I don’t know what that could be.

It feels like inventory.add_host method doesn’t allow the setting of a host description. All you can do is inventory.set_variable which puts the value in the variables list.

If anyone has any ideas, I’d be glad to hear them!



Can you try “_awx_description” instead of “description” and see if that correctly adds the description to your imported hosts?

Please see

Let us know if that works for ya, we’ll be sure to get proper documentation around this.

AWX Team

Thanks very much - that looks like exactly what I was after. It isn’t working for me yet though - is this wrong? I’m still getting ‘Imported’ in the description, and _awx_description is ending up in the host vars:

Update Desc

self.inventory.set_variable(hostname, “_awx_description”, descr)


Can you let us know which AWX version you are using?

Also, would mind reporting the resulting output when you run your inventory script from the command line? I can’t really tell how your self.inventory.set_variable call is affecting the end result.


AWX Team

Hi there,

Thanks - is this output what you need to see?

Kind regards,

ansible-inventory -i inventory/dev-gsheets.yaml --list -vv
ansible-inventory [core 2.12.4]
config file = /Users/username/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-company/sandbox/ansible-gsheets-inventory/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = [‘/Users/username/.ansible/plugins/modules’, ‘/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules’]
ansible python module location = /Users/username/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-company/sandbox/ansible-gsheets-inventory/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ansible
ansible collection location = /Users/username/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
executable location = /Users/username/sandbox/ansible-gsheets-inventory/.venv/bin/ansible-inventory
python version = 3.8.2 (default, Dec 21 2020, 15:06:04) [Clang 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29)]
jinja version = 3.1.1
libyaml = True
Using /Users/username/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-company/sandbox/ansible-gsheets-inventory/ansible.cfg as config file
[gsheets] inventory file: /Users/username/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-company/sandbox/ansible-gsheets-inventory/inventory/dev-gsheets.yaml
[gsheets] reading plugin options
[gsheets] checking dependencies
[gsheets] sys path: [‘/Users/username/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-company/sandbox/ansible-gsheets-inventory/.venv/bin’, ‘/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Library/Frameworks/Python3.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/’, ‘/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Library/Frameworks/Python3.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8’, ‘/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Library/Frameworks/Python3.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/lib-dynload’, ‘/Users/username/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-company/sandbox/ansible-gsheets-inventory/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages’]
[gsheets] dependencies met
[gsheets] fetch API token
[gsheets] opening sheet
[gsheets] sheet opened: 1GacYZXvmEyL08pnZHsB_H5uVGIl8z7qgcjvnVezDuXA
[gsheets] worksheets: [‘TEST1’]
[gsheets] fetching host rows
[gsheets] worksheet opened: TEST1
[gsheets] total rows: 6
[gsheets] total matched hosts: 5
[gsheets] fetching groups
[gsheets] total groups: 7
[gsheets] start adding hosts
[gsheets] adding host: (name=‘FGT60ETK19099QQQ’, address=‘’, groups=[‘AUS’, ‘RB1’], description=‘AUS_TEST1’)
[gsheets] adding host: (name=‘FGT60ETK19099ZZZ’, address=‘’, groups=[‘UK’, ‘andy’], description=‘UK_TEST_UK06’)
[gsheets] adding host: (name=‘FGT60ETK19099YYY’, address=‘’, groups=[‘GERMANY’, ‘RB2’], description=‘GERMANY_TEST_02’)
[gsheets] adding host: (name=‘FGTTESTABC123’, address=‘’, groups=[‘LAB’], description=‘branch2’)
[gsheets] adding host: (name=‘FGTTESTABC456’, address=‘’, groups=[‘LAB’, ‘andy’], description=‘branch3’)
[gsheets] finished adding hosts
“AUS”: {
“hosts”: [
“hosts”: [
“LAB”: {
“hosts”: [
“RB1”: {
“hosts”: [
“RB2”: {
“hosts”: [
“UK”: {
“hosts”: [
“_meta”: {
“hostvars”: {
“FGT60ETK19099ZZZ”: {
“_awx_description”: “UK_TEST_UK06”,
“ansible_host”: “”,
“appliance_name”: “UK_TEST_UK06”,
“gsheets_credentials_filepath”: “private/credentials.json”,
“gsheets_sheet_id”: “1GacYZXvmEyGARBAGEB_H5uVGIl8z7qgcjvnVezDuXA”,
“gsheets_worksheet_name”: “TEST1”,
“ipsec_endpoint”: “”,
“is_automated”: “YES”,
“is_onboarded”: “YES”,
“management_ip”: “”,
“model”: “FG-60E”,
“rulebase”: “andy”,
“serial”: “FGT60ETK19099ZZZ”,
“wan1_mode”: “FOOBARZ”
“FGT60ETK19099YYY”: {
“_awx_description”: “GERMANY_TEST_02”,
“ansible_host”: “”,
“appliance_name”: “GERMANY_TEST_02”,
“gsheets_credentials_filepath”: “private/credentials.json”,
“gsheets_sheet_id”: “1GacYZXvmEyGARBAGEB_H5uVGIl8z7qgcjvnVezDuXA”,
“gsheets_worksheet_name”: “TEST1”,
“ipsec_endpoint”: “”,
“is_automated”: “YES”,
“is_onboarded”: “YES”,
“management_ip”: “”,
“model”: “FG-60E”,
“rulebase”: “RB2”,
“serial”: “FGT60ETK19099YYY”,
“wan1_mode”: “TEST2”
“FGT60ETK19099QQQ”: {
“_awx_description”: “AUS_TEST1”,
“ansible_host”: “”,
“appliance_name”: “AUS_TEST1”,
“gsheets_credentials_filepath”: “private/credentials.json”,
“gsheets_sheet_id”: “1GacYZXvmEyGARBAGEB_H5uVGIl8z7qgcjvnVezDuXA”,
“gsheets_worksheet_name”: “TEST1”,
“ipsec_endpoint”: “”,
“is_automated”: “NO”,
“is_onboarded”: “YES”,
“management_ip”: “”,
“model”: “FG-60E”,
“rulebase”: “RB1”,
“serial”: “FGT60ETK19099QQQ”,
“wan1_mode”: “dhcp”
“_awx_description”: “branch2”,
“ansible_host”: “”,
“appliance_name”: “branch2”,
“gsheets_credentials_filepath”: “private/credentials.json”,
“gsheets_sheet_id”: “1GacYZXvmEyGARBAGEB_H5uVGIl8z7qgcjvnVezDuXA”,
“gsheets_worksheet_name”: “TEST1”,
“ipsec_endpoint”: “”,
“is_automated”: “YES”,
“is_onboarded”: “YES”,
“management_ip”: “”,
“model”: “VM”,
“serial”: “FGTTESTABC123”,
“wan1_mode”: “TEST123”
“_awx_description”: “branch3”,
“ansible_host”: “”,
“appliance_name”: “branch3”,
“gsheets_credentials_filepath”: “private/credentials.json”,
“gsheets_sheet_id”: “1GacYZXvmEyGARBAGEB_H5uVGIl8z7qgcjvnVezDuXA”,
“gsheets_worksheet_name”: “TEST1”,
“ipsec_endpoint”: “”,
“is_automated”: “YES”,
“is_onboarded”: “YES”,
“management_ip”: “”,
“model”: “VM”,
“rulebase”: “andy”,
“serial”: “FGTTESTABC456”,
“wan1_mode”: “TEST456”
“all”: {
“children”: [
“andy”: {
“hosts”: [

Apologies - I didn’t answer your first question. This was using operator 0.23.0. I’m now using operator 0.25.0. (AWX 21.3.0)

Hi there,

An update for you - it works!

I had set the inventory source to overwrite every time, but maybe it wasn’t doing that. Deleting the inventory hosts, and re-syncing the inventory now populates the description column as expected!

Really happy about that.

Thanks to the team who are answering questions on this - I really appreciate you taking the time.


Awesome, glad you got this working! thanks for the update