How to send email notification on AWX local user password or email update

As a part of security finding, need to have email notifications configured for events like,
1] when password of awx local user is updated
2] when email address of awx local user is updated

So far I have seen custom notifications can be set for job related events (success/failure etc) I do not see event on user administration work.

Any assistance to achieve the above scenario is helpful.


Hello @Vrunda,
Welcome, and congratulations on your first post! We do have documentation regarding configuring local user notifications. You can view this here: 26. Notifications — Ansible AWX community documentation

You can customize these notifications. Please let us know if this documentation resolves your issue. We are happy to help!

Hi @Vrunda,

I don’t see any option related notificaton when local user change their information like password and or email.

We have Activity stream, 3. The User Interface — Ansible AWX community documentation that i think track this type of info, but i don’t see any option to send notificaton for certain event.

My suggestion is to use external auth like ldap or keycloak instead local user.