Can someone please help me here, not able to figure out why i am unable to run restore.yml that is provided in the bundle.
STEP 1:- I have run backup.yml and it successfully created a tar file.
STEP 2:- Then I am trying to run restore.yml and have given the full path of the file created from STEP1 (/location/Tarfilename.tar.gz) but it throws following error.
can someone please assist me?
ASK [restore : Write SECRET_KEY into /etc/*****/] ************************************************************
changed: [tnode1.runitdif.bankofamerica.com]
changed: [tnode3.XYZ.com]
changed: [tnode2.XYZ.com]
TASK [restore : Dump the new Tower instance topology] *********************************************************
skipping: [tnode2.XYZ.com]
skipping: [tnode3.XYZ.com]
changed: [tnode1.XYZ.com]
TASK [restore : Perform a PostgreSQL restore (external).] *****************************************************
skipping: [tnode2.XYZ.com]
skipping: [tnode3.XYZ.com]
fatal: [tnode1.XYZ.com]: FAILED! => {“censored”: “the output has been hidden due to the fact that ‘no_log: true’ was specified for this result”, “changed”: true}
[tnode1.XYZ.com] TASK: restore : Perform a PostgreSQL restore (external). (debug)>
[tnode1.XYZ.com] TASK: restore : Perform a PostgreSQL restore (external). (debug)>
[tnode1.XYZ.com] TASK: restore : Perform a PostgreSQL restore (external). (debug)>
[tnode1.XYZ.com] TASK: restore : Perform a PostgreSQL restore (external). (debug)>