How to pass string with backslash at end to json_query

Below is the JSON output text from a command, trying to fetch FullName and FileVersionRaw where FullName not contains ‘\msvc\’

{ "windows_result.output": [ { "FullName": "E:\\\\app\\\\client\\\\product\\\\client\\\\bin\\\\file.txt", "Mode": "-a----", "Target": [], "VersionInfo": { "FileVersionRaw": "", "ProductVersionRaw": "" } }, { "FullName": "E:\\\\app\\\\client\\\\product\\\\msvc\\\\vc10\\\\file.txt", "Mode": "-a----", "Target": [], "VersionInfo": { "FileVersionRaw": "", "ProductVersionRaw": "" } } ] }

Below code produces result as we search only for string ‘\\msvc’ which starts with backslash

- name: Print result - Windows debug: msg: "{{ windows_result.output | to_json | from_json | json_query(client_path) }}" vars: client_path: "[? !contains(FullName,'\\msvc')].{FullName: FullName, FileVersionRaw: VersionInfo.FileVersionRaw}"

Result output:

"msg": [ { "FileVersionRaw": "", "FullName": "E:\\\\app\\\\client\\\\product\\\\client\\\\bin\\\\file.txt" } ]

However if string modified to ‘\\msvc\\’ to search msvc between backslashes, \’ at end considered as escape for single quote and throws error. Please help.

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