How to Import ansible role on

It still is weird with these ansible roles.

Just now I released a new version of the l3d.gitea role. See Release v3.3.2 · roles-ansible/ansible_role_gitea · GitHub

The Github Action uploaded it to ansible galaxy. At least the log is telling so:

ansible-galaxy role import --api-key *** --branch main roles-ansible ansible_role_gitea
Successfully submitted import request 2052571993052632521410160482269259626
role imported successfully

On galaxy-ng, i found two versions of this role:

both have Version v3.3.0 instead of v3.3.2.

And the UI is a little bit broken too, see:

If anyone has any clue what really is happening here and if my release v3.3.2 is on galaxy-ng, please contact me. :kissing_heart: