How to implement regular Ansible runs?


we plan to deploy Linux client configurations via Ansible. Since not all clients are running all the time, we want Ansible to run the deployment in regular invervals, e.g. every 2-3 hours. What is “the Ansible way” to implement this? Is there a better way than to have a cronjob on the Ansible server, which runs the appropriate playbook (or playbooks) in regular intervals? Is there some kind of “pull” mechanism supported by Ansible, so that the /clients/ can initiate Ansible runs? I couldn’t find anything in the documentation, but then I wasn’t even sure what keywords I should look for :wink:

And no: Ansible Tower is not an option. We can’t afford it.

I appreciate any pointers

Cron can work fine, ansible-pull can run from the client machines
(also from cron), if you want an app server Ansible Tower
( * disclaimer, this pays my salary or any
other job execution server with scheduling should work.

Thanks. Will have a look at ansible-pull. That seems to exactly do what we need.
