How to handle local pipenv?


I use a separate pipenv for executing ansible:
pipenv run ansible-playbook -v tests/test_pip.yml

Now I have a playbook, that requires proxmoxer installed in the local pipenv:

 name: test pipenv handling
  hosts: localhost
    - name: install proxmoxer
      delegate_to: localhost
        executable: pipenv
        name: proxmoxer

The task executes successfully, but I cannot find the proxmoxer package in the local Pipefile? The proxmoxer package is missing in the local site-packages directories as well.
Any hint how to ensure, that a pyrthon package is installed in the local execution environment?

Thanks a lot!

Hi there

pipenv install proxmoxer

Executed from within your working directory, that should do the trick.

exactly, but I would like to have it inside the playbook :wink:

Oops, jumped the gun.Not sure, try to run with -vvvv, else take a look at the codw for pip.

hi @DengelFred

I was puzzled by this so I thought of playing a bit. I got it to work by forcefully passing the directory:

Say your directory where you have the venv is /home/project/bubbles. Then you do:

- name: test pipenv handling
  hosts: localhost
    - name: install proxmoxer
      delegate_to: localhost
        executable: pipenv
        name: proxmoxer
        chdir: /home/project/bubbles

    - ansible.builtin.command: pip list

Run ansible-playbook main.yml -vvvv, it works fine.


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