How to handle "inactive" network card

Hello Ansible users,
i have a nice playbook that make a convenient hash table for network card like that:
“”: “eth0”,
“”: “eth1”

Here is the playbook:

  • set_fact:
    ifaces: “{{ ifaces|default({}) | combine({hostvars[item][‘ansible_%s’ | format(local_iface)][‘ipv4’][‘address’]: local_iface}) }}”
  • “{{ hostvars[item][‘ansible_interfaces’] }}”
    loop_var: local_iface

All was working fine but i encounter an error when i launch it with a host that have a network card with no ip address.
The playbook fails with the following error:

"FAILED! => {“msg”: “The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: ‘dict object’ has no attribute ‘ipv4’”

Do you have any idea how i can handle this case with a special condition to ignore network card with no ipv4 address ?


I forgot to say that “item” refer to a list of hosts in a group.
I tried with these special condition:

  • set_fact:
    when: hostvars[item][‘ansible_’~local_iface][‘ipv4’] is defined
    ifaces: “{{ ifaces|default({}) | combine({hostvars[item][‘ansible_%s’ | format(local_iface)][‘ipv4’][‘address’]: local_iface}) }}”
  • “{{ hostvars[item][‘ansible_interfaces’] }}”
    loop_var: local_iface

But with no more luck.
Any ideas?

The when is indented to far in, is should be on the same level as set_fact.

Yeah sure, sorry wrong copy/paste i haven’t syntax problem on my original playbook.
Anyway i found the solution which is:

  • set_fact:
    ifaces: “{{ ifaces|default({}) | combine({hostvars[item][‘ansible_%s’ | format(local_iface)][‘ipv4’][‘address’]: local_iface}) }}”
    when: hostvars[item][‘ansible_’~local_iface][‘ipv4’] is defined
  • “{{ hostvars[item][‘ansible_interfaces’] }}”
    loop_var: local_iface