how to get the ansible virt module to wait for a machine to finish shutting down


When shutting down a kvm guest using the task

  • name: shut down kvm guest
    virt: name=kvm-guest state=shutdown

Ansible will continue when the virsh shutdown kvm-guest command is finished.

However I want it to wait for the guest to actually finnish the shutdown procedure.

Anybody who knows how to do this ?

Rob Verduijn

Were you able to figure this out? Or any suggestions??

You can use a do until loop

- action: virt name=kvm-guest command=status
   register: result
   until: result.status.find("shutdown") != -1
   retries: 30
   delay: 5


Here's a snippet that I use:

- name: wait for the vm to shut down
     command: status
     name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
   register: vmstatus
   until: vmstatus.status == 'shutdown'
   delegate_to: "{{ vmhost }}"
   retries: 1500
   delay: 10

vmhost = the hypervisor on which the VM runs.
