How to get deb822_repository module to work with core 2.14.3?


I want to use the deb822_repository module in one of my tasks. It is failing with:

ERROR! couldn’t resolve module/action ‘ansible.builtin.deb822_repository’.

I run this on Debian Bookworm and ansible 2.14.3 ist the current version there. After some digging, as I understand it, the deb822_repository is only part of ansible-core 2.15 and later. It was part part of the collection community.general before but not anymore (since it is part of core now).

How do I get this module to work with my 2.14.3 version?

Thank you!

I run this on Debian Bookworm and ansible 2.14.3 ist the current version there. After some digging, as I understand it, the deb822_repository is only part of ansible-core 2.15 and later.


It was part part of the collection community.general before but not anymore (since it is part of core now).

Note that deb822_repository from the ansible-core distribution (version 2.15+) was written from scratch and if you were using any other deb822_repository module it is very likely they aren’t compatible.

How do I get this module to work with my 2.14.3 version?

You can download the module from ansible/lib/ansible/modules/ at devel · ansible/ansible · GitHub and use the standard mechanism to add custom modules to your Ansible installation, see Adding modules and plugins locally — Ansible Documentation.

However note that there is no guarantee that the module will work on 2.14 and such scenario is not supported by any means. I would recommend, if possible, updating to 2.15+ via other means - search the ansible documentation for “Installing Ansible” - I was going to put a link here but got an error saying that new users can only put two links within their reply ¯_(ツ)_/¯.


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