How to force Ansible to update PATH?

I am installing snapd via Ansible on *buntu.

After installation, snap binaries are linked from /snap/bin. When snapd is installed, it adds a script to /etc/profile.d/ that basically add /snap/bin to bash PATH.

My problem is that I cannot find a way to force Ansible to refresh the path, so subsequent roles/tasks fail with “ command not found in PATH”

I have tried:

  1. Ansible meta: reset_connection task – fails with message “unable to reset this type of connection” (local)
  2. In playbook: `environment: PATH: ‘/snap/bin:{{ ansible_env.PATH }}’ – no effect
  3. In role: shell: 'export PATH=$PATH:/snap/bin' – no effect

Short of forcing a reboot mid-way through a playbook, any other ideas?