How to fixed update_password

I got a problem, I use ansible user module, when i set update_password: on_create, it’s not work,still will update_password everytime, my code is below, and anyone know how to fixed it ?


  • name: Create Active User
    name: “{{ item }}”
    uid: “{{ management_active_users[item].uid | default(omit) }}”
    comment: “{{ management_active_users[item].full_name | default(‘’) }}”
    createhome: “{{ management_active_users[item].createhome | default(‘yes’) }}”
    group: “{{ management_active_users[item].group | default(omit) }}”
    groups: “{{ management_active_users[item].groups | default(‘’) | join(‘,’) }}”
    shell: “{{ management_active_users[item].shell | default(‘/bin/bash’) }}”
    append: “{{ management_active_users[item].append | default(‘no’) }}”
    state: “{{ management_active_users[item].state | default(‘present’) }}”
    with_items: “{{ management_active_users }}”
    when: management_active_users is defined

  • name: Setup Active User Password
    name: “{{ item }}”
    password: “{{ user_passwd | password_hash(‘sha512’) }}”
    update_password: on_create

with_items: “{{ management_active_users }}”
when: management_active_users[item].password is defined
