How to encrypt ansible vault password

Hi All,

I am facing a challenge in getting CISO approval for my ansible project.
Issue: We are using Ansible vault for keeping vars secret. However, that vault password we are keeping it in ./ path in clear text.Can we encrypt the vault password itself.

Please assist me on this ,

Thanks in advance.

Hi, interesting question.
I suggest you two approaches:

  • Apply strict ACL on the vault password file (like 0400 for e.g.)
  • Do not version the file
  • rekey it frequently

Make use of an external or third party secret manager tool to store the vault password and get access to it through a script.


Hi Stefim,

Thanks for your reponse.Much appritaite !

regarding the third party, we tried that. We used one password to store it, but while ansible taking that password from 1password, it’s fetching in cleartext.

Eventually ansible needs the plain text