Encrypted Password in Playbook

Hi All,

I am trying to use Ansible vault encrypted password in my playbook and don’t see clear documentation on how to use it.

Here is what I did so far -

In ansible.cfg I have set the ‘vault_password_file’.

I have all my playbooks in a directory called devplaybooks. I have created a sub-directory in devplaybooks directory with name ‘vault’ and executed following command

ansible-vault create passwords

Contents in passwords file : ansible_password= secret123

In my inventory file I have created host vars

[<hostIP>:vars] ansible_user=root ansible_password=!vault

When I execute the playbook it throws up an error

TASK [Gathering Facts] **************************************************************************************** fatal: [<hostIP>]: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Invalid/incorrect username/password. Authentication failed.", "unreachable": true}

When I change the host vars to following the playbook is executing successfully

ansible_password= secret123


Can you please help me figure out my mistake or point me to right documentation. How does my playbook know my password file ?

The encrypted value of the variable is missing. See "Use encrypt_string to
create encrypted variables to embed in yaml".


Hello Vladimir,

Thanks for your reply.

I am trying to maintain password (encrypted using ansible-vault) and my playbook (clear-text) in separate files. If I understand correctly the below URL is suggesting to encrypt the password string and copy the same in my playbook.


Am I reading this correctly? Please help.

Hello Vladimir,

Thanks for your reply.

I am trying to maintain password (encrypted using ansible-vault) and my playbook (clear-text) in separate files. If I
understand correctly the below URL is suggesting to encrypt the password string and copy the same in my playbook.


Am I reading this correctly? Please help.

You can definitely include encrypted_variables in your inventory files, but you need to use YAML syntax.


Below is a step-by-step scenario:

1) Let's assume the vault password has bee configured properly (you have set
the 'vault_password_file' in ansible.cfg) . Let's use global variable here.
For example

  $ set | grep VAULT

See "Providing Vault Passwords"

2) Create a file foo.yml with variable(s). Encrypt the file. See the content.

  $ cat foo.yml
  test_var1: secret
  $ ansible-vault encrypt foo.yml
  $ cat foo.yml
  $ ansible-vault view foo.yml
  test_var1: secret1

See "Encrypting Unencrypted Files"

3) Create inventory (fit the groups and hosts to your needs)

  $ cat hosts

4) Put the encrypted file into the directory host_vars (fit the host to your

  $ mkdir -p host_vars/test_01
  $ mv foo.yml host_vars/test_01/

5) Create and run playbook. See the variable was successfully decrypted.

  $ cat test.yml
  - hosts: test_01
    - debug:
        var: test_var1
  $ ansible-playbook test1.yml
  ok: [test_01] => { "test_var1": "secret1" }

There are many variations how-to handle vault variables. If you have troubles
report minimal, complete, reproducible example.



Hello Vladimir

I have followed exactly same steps mentioned above and I see different errors now.

My steps

  • Set the Ansible Vault password file Env variable
  • Create the vault encrypted file
  • Create directories and copy files in specific location. My dir structure
  • vault
  • test.yml

I get following error

Error - ERROR! failed to combine variables, expected dicts but got a ‘dict’ and a ‘AnsibleUnicode’:{} “testing123:sensitive”

When I change the directory structure in host_vars to groupname


  • vault
  • ansible_enddevice_2
  • test.yml

I get different message

ok: [ ] => { “testing123”: “VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED!” }

My inventory file structure


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Suggestions please.

Ok, I found the solution myself. Group or host variables should have different directory. There is no need of explicit mention such as in the playbook, but create a directory called group_vars or host_vars in the directory where the playbook is placed.

these directories will have files with variables you want to define. File structure should be in yml format.