for testing and poc playing around with AWX i have deployed it using the Docker method, which quickly spins up 5 new containers.
But since 75% of my inventories are windows AD domain joined machines I would like to use my working (local) ansible playbooks that make use of winrm transport kerberos from inside AWX.
If I understand this setup right, then I would have to add MS AD domain join (using samba 4.x ?), python winrm, kerberos 5 etc etc. Is that correct?
What is the ‘best/easiest’ way to integrate/enable AWX and MS AD? What are some of the alternatives?
Should I install a ‘local’ AWX, install of awx_web, awx_task, postgres, memcached, and rabbitmq and all of it’s requirements that are spun up in the docker delay into 5 separate containers on my already AD domain joined centos 7 ansible controller that has a working winrm setup with functioning kerberos transport? Or will the ‘awx_task’ and ‘awx_web’ local install be isolated form the local kerberos setup anyway?
Thanks for ay pointers and help.