How-to deprecate X - Documentation to be added, but where?

Hi everyone,

Being a maintainer for community.general for a while means I have had to deal with a number of different situations. It is a lot of different things we need to remember and, honestly, I cannot keep all of them in mind. One of those things is deprecating stuff, and then all the different ways to deprecate stuff, depending on what stuff is. So, I wrote this document to be my cheatsheet:

Recently, a question came up in one of the collection’s issues on how to deprecate the current default value of a parameter, which is one of the cases covered in the deprecations doc, so I posted the link there and it was suggested (by @felixfontein) that it could be added to the main Ansible docs. Great idea!

@samccann suggested that it could be added to the end of , however as I was starting to actually get it done, I gave it a second look and it does not look like the deprecations document has much to do with module lifecycle.

I am raising this topic to bring in suggestions and/or other perspectives on the issue. Where should that piece of documentation go?

@russoz We chatted about this in the DaWGs meeting the the recommendation is for you to add a new page to the developer guide for this. Thanks!