How to copy files from multiple directories with ansible?

Hello everyone,
I have the following structure:

├── a1
│ └── one.jar
├── a2
│ └── target
│ └── two.jar
├── a3
│ └── subdir
│ └── target
│ ├── three.jar
│ ├── four.jar
│ ├── five.jar
│ └── six.war
└── a4
└── target
└── tmp
└── seven.jar

And I want to copy all *.jar files just under target directory to single remote directory. So the remote location should include files: two, three, four and five (except one, six and seven). I tried to use with_fileglob and with_filetree but without success. Can you help me?


  • name: Copy
    src: “{{ item }}”
    dest: ~/dir2
    with_filetree: ~/dir1/…/target/*.jar


with_filetree doesn't support wildcard and with_fileglobe doesn't support recursive.

If would like to copy all the files recursive in a directory you can use this

   - name: Copy
       src: "{{ item.src }}"
       dest: ~/dir2/{{ item.src.split('/') | last }}
     with_filetree: ~/dir1//target/

If not you would need to use find module and then copy the files with the copy module.

Thanks for suggestion. I already did what I wanted using the following:


  • name: Copy
    src: “{{ item.src }}”
    dest: ~/dir2
    with_filetree: ~/dir1/
  • item.state == “file”
  • item.path.split(‘/’)[-2] == “target”
  • item.path.split(‘.’) | last == “jar”


W dniu czwartek, 9 listopada 2017 08:54:38 UTC+1 użytkownik Dev napisał: