Ansible copy module not working recursively--or with dirs

It is probably something I am doing wrong–I will be the first to admit it.

I want to copy files from my ansible server to a bunch of remote hosts. I need this to work recursively. Unfortunately it just copies the file1.txt file at the root of the src, and nothing else. Thoughts?

File structure:

tree .

├── dir1
│ ├── dir2
│ │ └── file3.txt
│ ├── dir3
│ │ └── file3.txt
│ ├── dir4
│ │ └── file3.txt
│ └── file2.txt
└── file1.txt

PLAYBOOK (part of a role):

My ansible version:

fileglob only does files, not directories, you want filetree or just
pipe 'find files/*' .. or `src=files/` and avoid the loop

I thought I had tried that before, but I guess not. It appears to be copying them now with src=files, but it was dog slow. 1.6MB took about 1 minute to copy.

for speed you want rsync or synchronize module, copy is not meant for
bulk copying.