I have a dictionary like this
customers: abc: id: 1 status: active def: id: 2 status: inactive ghi: id: 3 status: active jkl: id: 4 status: active
What’s the best way to construct a string like below of the active customers only?
I have a dictionary like this
customers: abc: id: 1 status: active def: id: 2 status: inactive ghi: id: 3 status: active jkl: id: 4 status: active
What’s the best way to construct a string like below of the active customers only?
Something like the following would do it, with your current data structure.
{% for k, v in customers|dictsort if v.status == ‘active’ %}{{ k }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}
If you rewrote your data structure to look like:
Then it could be:
{{ customers|selectattr(‘status’, ‘match’, ‘active’)|map(attribute=‘name’)|join(‘,’) }}