How to Check the jobs status from AWX container and manage them

AWX 17.1.0 running with docker containers for task, db,ui,redis
As our jobs are taking long time and doing nothing, want to identify what is causing this hung and how to fix this.

I’m looking for the following,

Check the jobs status from AWX container and manage them – kill, resume etc
View the logs for a running job from awx container
On how many machines a template runs by default on awx

You might have a look at awxkit.

If you are talking about having a shell inside of the AWX container, it might already be there and relatively easy to use, but you could also install it on a separate system and be able to view/manage jobs.

I’ve never run it on docker though, so most of the rest of my thoughts might not apply. I run it on Kubernetes. If you get onto the operator container (I believe), you can run the awx-manage utility, which might give you even more options.

With Kubernetes, you can just view a container’s logs from outside with a kubectl command, if you know the container name.