I do not understand how this example works for user foo
If I have not stated the user account to use for the ssh connection within the command line using: ansible_ssh_user=foo
or the Ansible host file: /etc/ansible/hosts
Is the current user account used as the ssh connection to a remote server if not specified on the command line or within the file**: /etc/ansible/hosts** ?
If so, does the logic for which user account to use for the ssh connection go like this:
Use the current user account, unless specified in the command line using command: ansible_ssh_user=foo
and if not specified in the /etc/ansible/hosts file as: ansible_ssh_user=foo
Ansible Local Server Remote server
local-01 remote-01
Local User foo → ssh → Remote user foo
So in this example:
(1) Local user running /usr/bin/ansible is foo
(2) Remote user is an account on the remote box remote-01 which is also named foo
(3) sudoing will sudo to the remote account foo. Which as you say is a no-op.
Server local-01
[root@local-01 /]# grep sudo_user /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
sudo_user = root
[root@local-01 /]# cat /etc/ansible/hosts
[root@local-01 /]#
Ansible command
[root@local-01 ~]# su - foo
[foo@local-01 ~]$ ssh foo@remote-01 whoami
[foo@local-01 ~]$ ansible remote-01 -m command -a “whoami”
remote-01 | success | rc=0 >>
[foo@local-01 ~]$
How does the above Ansible command work if I have not specified the user account for the SSH connection or the local user account either within
the command line, /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg or within the file /etc/ansible/hosts ?
Is this not the function of the parameters ansible_ssh_user and ansible_sudo_user ?
Should I not need to specify this: ansible_ssh_user=foo ?
Even if I do not need this: ansible_sudo_user=foo ?