Why would you want to? Any, and all, of the modules, mostly third
party modules, can have ansible breaking updates without warning. An
annual or semi-annual review, with smoke tests, might work well. What
is wrong with "inelegant", especially when it avoids the half a
Gigabyte of local disk space that the modern and misnamed "ansible"
package provides? It's really "ansible_collections", the name is very
misleading, and the modern "ansible-core" package actually contains
the working ansible code from https://github.com/ansible/ansible/ and
installs the ansible modules.
If you'd like to double check the current bundled list for comparison,
you can compare them to https://github.com/ansible-community/ansible-build-data/ config files,
which are used to generate the mislabeled "ansible" tarball.
If I am understanding the requirement here. You want to be able to grab a specific version of a role or collection for some reason. If that is what you are asking for, then what about cloning the collection or role to a personal git repository.