How do you keep your ansible collections and roles from the galaxy current ?

Hallo all,
what is the best way to keep the ansible collections and roles current which you use ?

I think about parsing the output of ansible-galaxy role list or ansible-galaxy collection list but this is not very elegant.

I think I overlook a very simple solution, can somebody point me in the right directione, please ?

Many thanks


Why would you want to? Any, and all, of the modules, mostly third
party modules, can have ansible breaking updates without warning. An
annual or semi-annual review, with smoke tests, might work well. What
is wrong with "inelegant", especially when it avoids the half a
Gigabyte of local disk space that the modern and misnamed "ansible"
package provides? It's really "ansible_collections", the name is very
misleading, and the modern "ansible-core" package actually contains
the working ansible code from and
installs the ansible modules.

If you'd like to double check the current bundled list for comparison,
you can compare them to config files,
which are used to generate the mislabeled "ansible" tarball.

If I am understanding the requirement here. You want to be able to grab a specific version of a role or collection for some reason. If that is what you are asking for, then what about cloning the collection or role to a personal git repository.
