How can my inventory script output logs to the log_path in ansible.cfg?

I wrote a relatively complex inventory script in python to automatically get the host list from the HTTP request response and query the local cache database and production database to classify it. I hope to output some logging system to this script, but I don’t know how to call the built-in logging system of ansible correctly.
I have set log_path in ansible.cfg and successfully output ansible logs. But it is difficult for this inventory script to output content to ansible logs.

I wrote a separate inventory script for testing. All its “logs” above the error level are output to one line, and the content at the info level is not output.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import logging
import sys


# Get the root logger
root_logger = logging.getLogger()

print(root_logger, file=sys.stderr)

# Output log level
logging.error("Log level: %s", logging.getLevelName(root_logger.getEffectiveLevel()))

# Output handler information
for handler in root_logger.handlers:
    logging.error(f"  - Type: {type(handler).__name__}")
    if isinstance(handler, logging.FileHandler):
        logging.error(f"    - File path: {handler.baseFilename}")
    if isinstance(handler, logging.StreamHandler):
        logging.error(f"    - Output stream: {}")
    logging.error(f"    - Formatter: {handler.formatter}")

# Output formatter information
if root_logger.handlers:
    formatter = root_logger.handlers[0].formatter
    logging.error(f"  - Format: {formatter._fmt}")
    logging.error(f"  - Date format: {formatter.datefmt}")

logging.debug("debug message\r\n")"info message\r\n")
logging.warning("warning message\r\n")
logging.error("error message\r\n")
logging.critical("critical message\r\n")

print("print stderr message\r\n", file=sys.stderr)

# Outputs a blank host list.

Inventory scripts are for basic inventory generation. If you want to do more interesting things, better write an inventory plugin. Inventory plugins have access to many facilities from Ansible, including Ansible’s option management and the Display class, which logs to log_path.