How can i install Ansible dev versions on docker containers that do not have connectivity to internet

I am trying to maintain different versions of Ansible in different centos 7 based docker containers. Due to some company policies, the containers are not allowed to make http calls. I used yum to install latest Ansible releases and some other modules.
Now i was trying to install Ansible 2.2.0 RC1 which is obviously not yet available in yum repo. But i am facing a lot of difficulties in installing via source. There are a lot of errors related to GCC, pycrypto, pythin moudules and bla bla bla and resolving one would just mean there is another. Frankly, i do not understand all that stuff with python and modules and i was just googling and installing it. In end the end, i just could not make it work. I could not find any suitable Ansible docker image as apparently the official one is not supported anymore.
Is there a way where i can install Ansible devel versions using tarballs of whatever is required ?