How ansible vault is safe when using scripts?

I dont understand how ansible vault is safe if i want to use in a script i need to give ansible
the file where the password is saved in plain text… so i dont get it

i do get it being safe if i do a prompts for the password with --ask-vault-pass
but when i point to ansible using --vault-password-file or export global variable with pass it is saved on the system\file as plain text

what am i missing?


I dont understand how ansible vault is safe if i want to use in a script i need to give ansible
the file where the password is saved in plain text.. so i dont get it

i do get it being safe if i do a prompts for the password with --ask-vault-pass
but when i point to ansible using --vault-password-file or export global variable with pass it is saved on the system\file as plain text

what am i missing?

You can use a GPG encrpyted password file with a wrapper script.


You can use this

I have tried using the gpg script works amazing BUT - the gpg file askes randomly the password again and again so i cannot really relay on that.
i used like this : -

gpg --quiet --batch --use-agent --decrypt $VAULT_PW_FILENAME

ansible.cfg -
vault_password_file = /base/vaults/

encrypted like this:
gpg --quiet --batch --use-agent --decrypt vault

ב-יום שלישי, 22 במרץ 2022 בשעה 13:16:01 UTC+2, כתב/ה:

sorry i encrypted like this:
gpg -c vault

ב-יום ראשון, 27 במרץ 2022 בשעה 17:17:13 UTC+3, ‪R Batchen‬‏ כתב/ה:

An option would be to use gpg-agent. Depending on your setup that
might automagically unlock when you sign in to the computer you use to
run ansible playbooks.
For example I know that on macOS you can store the gpg password in the
OS' keychain.

I work on ubuntu host and the ansible playbooks run on docker container with ubuntu
ill try to look into gpg agent for docker container - thanks!

ב-יום ראשון, 27 במרץ 2022 בשעה 19:56:24 UTC+3, כתב/ה: