I use docker to run (network namespaced) VPN…
I have to use a custom ProxyCommand, per VPN, to access the other side with Ansible, so far so good…
So I’m using Ansible to find the right container and then add_host to set it up (as everything is dynamic) with:
- name: Add VPN host
name: “{{ item }}”
groups: vpn
ansible_ssh_extra_args: “-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ProxyCommand="ssh -q user@{{ inventory_hostname }} docker exec -i {{ item }} nc %h %p"”
ansible_ssh_user: “user”
ansible_host: “”
with_items: “{{ vpn_container_names }}”
This works great with ssh directly and also “seems” to work with ansible, but I only get to access the first container with subsequent loops.
It is as if adding them with the same ansible_host did nothing, even though the name (container_xyz_1) was different…
I would have thought that “name” + “ansible_host” + ssh options would be used as the unique pair, but it seems something like this is not sufficiently unique in a dynamic inventory context:
name= & ansible_host= (what it would look like in a file from my understanding)
container_001122334455_1 ansible_host= ansible_ssh_extra_args=… ansible_ssh_user=user
container_667788990011_1 ansible_host= ansible_ssh_extra_args=… ansible_ssh_user=user
Even though they all have the ProxyCommand that IS unique and works great on its own:
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ProxyCommand=“ssh -q user@machine.example.com docker exec -i container_001122334455_1 nc %h %p” user@
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ProxyCommand=“ssh -q user@machine.example.com docker exec -i container_667788990011_1 nc %h %p” user@
So am I correct in assuming that host uniqueness is only based on ansible_host and doesn’t care about the host’s “name” if ansible_host is set?
if so, should it be based on all the relevant variables: name, host & options (ansible_ssh_extra_args, etc.) considering different virtualization cases or remote network namespaces with jump hosts with similar IP space?
Or do I simply have a bug in my playbook?
(which would actually be great news as I’m not sure how to go around this issue otherwise!)
Thanks a lot,