add_host for multiple containers on multiple hosts

Let's see my use case

  • name: Run Nginx container
    name: nginx
    image: nginx
    state: started

  • “80:80”

  • “443:443”

  • name: Add host nginx container
    name: nginx
    groups: nginx_container
    ansible_connection: docker
    ansible_user: root
    ansible_docker_extra_args: --tlsverify --tlscacert=“{{ nginx_container_docker_cert_path }}/ca.pem” --tlscert=“{{ nginx_container_docker_cert_path }}/cert.pem” --tlskey=“{{ nginx_container_docker_cert_path }}/key.pem” -H=“{{ nginx_container_docker_host }}”

  • name: Create new directory in nginx container
    path: /root/.ssh
    state: directory
    delegate_to: nginx

I have 2 hosts in inventory file to run nginx container on both hosts. Then I want to add_host for both containers to do next task that will do on both containers on both hosts.

I knew that add_host is bypass host loop but anyone know the way that I can configure container with the same name on difference host?