Help using two options for a value for a template

Hi guys,

Here is why im triying to do:

im generating passwords and registering the output in a variable like this

  • name: Generate Server Password
    raw: Secret=$(az keyvault secret show --name AdminPassword --vault-name “{{ keyvault }}” --query value --output tsv);if [ -z $Secret ];then echo $(</dev/urandom tr -dc ‘A-Za-z0-9#()*+=>?~’ | head -c 32 );else echo “$Secret” ;fi
    register: AdminPassword

after i have that AdminPassword variable inside a template of azure_rm_deployment


value: “{{ LogRWebAdminPassword.stdout_lines[0] }}”

If the passwords generates it works ok. but if the password doesnt generate (cos sometimes we dont want to generate) it fails cos its waiting a value. I tried to use the operator default like this but it doues not work

value: “{{ LogRWebAdminPassword.stdout_lines[0] | default(string) }}”

Anyone has some idea how can i give the AdminPassword value options if the 1st one fails?

Thanks a lot!