Hi all,
Thank you for reading my question. I am running into this issue and hope you can help me!
What we want to do is feed a tool with ansible to automate this. We have 99% ready, however the random password generation is still a bit difficult.
Our goal is to generate a random password per user, register this as a unique variable based on username and then use this variable to perform multiple actions such as mailing the password and creating the user with password.
We now run into the following issue:
The stdout of a dynamic variable is lost, and we cannot find the dynamic variable name to use it in our playbook. When we call the dynamic variable in the manner we created it we get various errors.
File information:
========= task file: main.yml ============
include_vars: foo.yml
tags: -
name: Generate a random password per user
shell: /usr/bin/openssl passwd -1 -in /dev/urandom | head -1
with_dict: users
register: “{{item.username}}_result”
tags: -
========= end of task file ===============
========= output: =====================
TASK: [ON4_project_management | Generate a random password per user] ***********
changed: [m-opennebula4] => (item={‘key’: ‘Piet’, ‘value’: {‘username’: ‘pietu’, ‘telephone’: ‘987-654-3210’}}) => {“changed”: true, “cmd”: “/usr/bin/openssl passwd -1 -in /dev/urandom | head -1”, “delta”: “0:00:00.054796”, “end”: “2015-05-28 13:26:06.705414”, “item”: {“key”: “Piet”, “value”: {“telephone”: “987-654-3210”, “username”: “pietu”}}, “rc”: 0, “start”: “2015-05-28 13:26:06.650618”, “stderr”: “”, “stdout”: “$1$C2//4lrR$1/sC83CGFVXN6Ye3GafQ7.”, “warnings”: }
changed: [m-opennebula4] => (item={‘key’: ‘Klaas’, ‘value’: {‘username’: ‘klaasu’, ‘telephone’: ‘123-456-7890’}}) => {“changed”: true, “cmd”: “/usr/bin/openssl passwd -1 -in /dev/urandom | head -1”, “delta”: “0:00:00.222003”, “end”: “2015-05-28 13:26:07.258722”, “item”: {“key”: “Klaas”, “value”: {“telephone”: “123-456-7890”, “username”: “klaasu”}}, “rc”: 0, “start”: “2015-05-28 13:26:07.036719”, “stderr”: “”, “stdout”: “$1$BfLE8IoY$qKzqpyxuXHfw.pFIHIR461”, “warnings”: }
========= end of output ================
========= start dict file: foo.yml ==========