Hi Ansible Experts,
I am trying to use Ansible URI as below to post the content where my input is a variable of type Array in the body.
I am trying to pass the input as an Array into the body under Contentdetials which is an array. however, it is ending up reading as a string.
any idea how can I achieve this? i tried with With_items to loop the input but it is not working.
I have also pasted my JSON (JS body below) and input it as an array.
Looking forward to hearing from you and helping with this
url: “https://vrclm.dev.local/lcm/cms/api/vl/contents/pipelines”
method: POST
Cookie: “JSESSIONID={{ vrlcm api auth token }}”
HEADER Content-Type: “{{ http content type }}”
validate certs: “(( http validate certs }]”
status code: [201]
force basic auth: false
use proxy: false
http agent: “ansible-httppost”
body format: “json”
name: “[[ vrlcm pipeline name }}”
- comments: “workflow via Ansible”
endpoints: - “http://VRA.dev.loc”
Contents: - contentDetials:
- contentName: >-
- “{{ input }}”
isDisabled: false
contentYpe: “vra”
input: [ { “contentName” : “Contentl - [id=62680318-7829-4e35-b5d7-62eb7c52b46c, project=Dev]”}, { “contentName”: “Content2 [id=2d29e4af-6889-459-a7f5-5af522a7ab7f, project=Dev]”}]
“name”: “test”,
“comment”: “test”,
“endpointids”: [
“tagNames”: ,
“contentDetails”: [
“contentName”: “Contentl - [id=62680318-7829-4e35-b5d7-62eb7c52b46c, project=Dev]”
“contentName”: “Content2 - [id=62680318-7829-4e35-b5d7-62eb7c52b46c, project=Dev]”
“isdisabled”: false,
“contentType”: “vra”