Here I have attached the input format of Json which consists of two arrays, objects and targets, I try to use the Ansible with_item module to loop objects into the Uri module.
this concept is working with a single array, but facing issue when i try to call both array items to the uri. is there any way to use both array of items together
Json input
{ “objects”: [ { “item”: { “action”: “deny”, “srcaddr”: “IP_100.1.2.3”, “src_ipv4”: “ipmask”, “src_ipv4addr”: “”, “dstaddr”: “IP_100.4.5.6”, “dst_ipv4addr”: “”, “dst_ipv4”: “ipmask”, “port”: “65511”, “protocol”: “tcp” } }, { “item”: { “action”: “deny”, “srcaddr”: “IP_200.1.2.3”, “src_ipv4”: “ipmask”, “src_ipv4addr”: “”, “dstaddr”: “IP_100.4.5.6”, “dst_ipv4addr”: “”, “dst_ipv4”: “ipmask”, “port”: “65511”, “protocol”: “tcp” } } ], “targets”: [ { “item”: { “domain”: “dom-cn-1”, “fingerprint”: “9125544D272B5AD28F3E9AB7BC8AA3F276E45064”, “mgmt_password”: “admin123”, “mgmt_server”: “”, “target_fw”: “dev-cn-c1” } }, { “item”: { “domain”: “dom-cn-2”, “fingerprint”: “9125544D272B5AD28F3E9AB7BC8AA3F276E45064”, “mgmt_password”: “admin123”, “mgmt_server”: “”, “target_fw”: “dev-cn-c3” } } ] }
task based on uri module
- name: upating the task status uri: url: method: POST body: ‘{ “extra_vars”: { “action”: “{{ item.item.action }}”, “srcaddr”: “{{ item.item.srcaddr }}”, “src_ipv4”: “{{ item.item.src_ipv4 }}”, “mgmt_password”: “{{ item.item.mgmt_password }}”, “mgmt_server”: “{{ item.item.mgmt_server }}”, “targets”: [ “{{ item.item.target_fw }}” ]} }’ status_code: 201 body_format: json force_basic_auth: yes validate_certs: no user: “admin” password: “admin123” headers: Accept: “application/json” Content-Type: “application/json” with_items: “{{ tmpdata.objects }}” ~