I’m getting this error when run the playbook against vcenter 6.5. My playbook is very basic to build a new VM (not from template)
“msg”: “Failed to create a virtual machine : A specified parameter was not correct: pool”
I’m on ansible 2.5.1 and have both pysphere and pyvmomi. The same playbook ran fine with another vmware vcenter 5.5
Has anyone run into this issue? or can anyone share a example of a playbook that works to build VM from scratch not from a template?
Based on the error you get, I think this is linked with a “problem” with the resource pool where the VM will be placed.
By default, if you don’t precise resource_pool, I think it will try to put it in the “default” resource pool for your cluster / host. (based on 2.3 doc https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/2.3/vmware_guest_module.html, this in not required)
But there were issues with vmware_guest not finding the correct name of this default resource_pool depending of the locale of the vCenter…
Is your vCenter on antohr locale thant english ? Are you using a VCSA appliance or a Windows vCenter ?
(I hate the new documentation format… Honestly, not knowing if a parameter is mandatory or not is not helping)