I’m looking for some help with writing an ansible playbook using the VMWARE_ cloud / extras modules. VMWare guest uses pyVmomi over the older pysphere python libraries so hoping this works with vCenter 5.5>6.5~

I’m testing in a python virtulalenv with;

  • Pyvmomi
  • Ansible

I can get Pyvmomi hello_world.py working and response from my vCenter, however I can get a basic play/task to work. I’ve got what looks like issues with the module not being found.


ERROR! ‘vmware_guest’ is not a valid attribute for a Play

The error appears to have been in ‘/root/virtualenvs/venv/hello_world.yml’: line 5, column 3, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

The offending line appears to be:

connection: local

  • name: gather the VM facts
    ^ here


i’m just trying for simple items at the momement from the examples page but i get syntax issues but more so looks like the “attribute” for a play is the issue. How do you run this and have the module working?

Under the virtualenv I can see the extras modules and all the vmware_guest python. Does someone have any example including things like hosts, connections etc, am I missing something?