Grouping modules by purpose

Hi ,

I am investigating ansible to automate our system configuration/management tasks currently performed using mostly shell scripts. We mostly definitely will have to write custom modules, but I noticed that ansible doesn’t have module hierarchy. Is there a way to group related modules under “umbrella” name in OOP style ?

Using core file module as example, instead of single “file” module with “state” parameter, having modules “file.copy”, “”, “file.rename” etc.




I wanted to ask same question.
Seems that Ansible needs support of some sort of task grouping or name-spacing. Version 2.1 already has over 500 tasks in the single namespace, which affects readability of existing scripts/playbooks - short task names are obscure and long names do not follow common pattern. In my opinion it can become a huge usability problem when number of tasks will grow over 1k (which I believe can happen this year). Having some structure like in documentation would already be a big help.