group_var are not resolved properly

  • development
  • inventory
  • group_vars
  • webservers
  • all.yml
  • secret.yml- services
  • all.yml- all.yml- webservers.yml
  • services.yml
    My inventory file looks like



I have 2 play-books , webservers.yml which defines a set of roles for the webserver hosts to be executed and similarly another playbook services.yml for deploying some services.

When i try to execute “ansible-playbook -i development webservers.yml” i could able to resolve all the variable defined in the webservers directory under group var.
But when i try to execute “ansible-playbook -i development services.yml” i could NOT able to resolve any variable defined in “/group_vars/services/all.yml”. But if i keep the same variables in “/group_vars/all.yml” the variables are resolving properly.

I have tried removing the folders in the group_vars and specifying all the variables in webservers.yml and services.yml . But no luck.
As per the ansible doc this should be supported. Could some one help me what is going wrong with the setup.

$ ansible --version
ansible 1.6.6


Thanks Benno . Thats worked out.

The main mistake i was doing is creating the file with the name of the playbook but not with the host groups.