Why playbook take wrong values for group variables?



I have a problem with groups variables.

Example: I have two inventory groups group_A and group_B, and also have the same name files in group_vars:

                  group_A - file
                    var_port: 9001
                  group_B - file
                    var_port: 9002 

The problem is when i execute playbook :

 ansible-playbook  playbooks/playbook.yml -i inventories/hosts.inv -l **group_B**

playbook was executed for proper scope of servers (server3, server4) but it takes variables from group variables file group_A.

    expected result:        var_port: 9002
    in realty :             var_port: 9001


I can’t understand what I am doing wrong?

BR Oleg

Do you have the following files defined?

also, maybe try using "hosts: group_B" in playbooks/playbook.yml instead of "hosts:all"

hi Tony,
i have no files at all:
and i try to put "hosts: group_B", but it not resole this issue. Playbook apply changes to the servers from right group but, variables it take from neighborhood group_vars/file.

I have included ANSIBLE_DEBUG , and what i have found:

2018-05-03 15:23:23,663 p=129458 u=user | 129458 1525353803.66336: Loading data from /ansible/inventories/prod/group_vars/group_B.yml

2018-05-03 15:23:23,663 p=129458 u=user | 129661 1525353803.66060: in run() - task 00505680-eccc-d94e-2b1b-0000000000f4

2018-05-03 15:23:23,664 p=129458 u=user | 129661 1525353803.66458: calling self._execute()

2018-05-03 15:23:23,665 p=129458 u=user | 129458 1525353803.66589: Loading data from /ansible/inventories/prod/group_vars/group_A.yml

it is look like on playbook execution ansible scan all files with variables in folder group_vars which have variable “var_port”, last will win…

The `hosts:` keyword is only used to select which hosts get targeted,
it has no influence on group membership, any host is ALWAYS a member
of ALL the groups as defined in inventory, so the variables for a host
always reflect ALL GROUPS.

Interesting. Could you show us what yours "hosts:" line on playbook.yml?

The `hosts:` keyword is only used to select which hosts get targeted,
it has no influence on group membership, any host is ALWAYS a member
of ALL the groups as defined in inventory, so the variables for a host
always reflect ALL GROUPS.

Brian Coca

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Hi Markos,
my playbook looks like:

- hosts: group_B
    - dse_agent_full_install