gp2 volumes with ec2_vol

Is it possible to provision gp2 volume (new SSD standard) with ec2_vol?
If so, what's the syntax?


We managed to get them created as gp2, with the “ec2” module, looks like the “ec2_vol” module cannot do that.

Now, next issue: How can you tag volumes created via the “ec2” module (with “ec2_vol”, you could register the volumes, then tag them, but I can’t seem to be able to register volumes with the “ec2” module) ??

Could you show an example of how you set up the gp2 partitions with the ec2 module? Of the top of my head, I don’t remember being able to configure EBS volumes from the ec2 module.

New in version 1.5 according to the documentation:

I wish it were better documented though, it’s not clear which key you can use in a given volume dictionary. Here is one of the example from the page, which we followed, it worked, but as mentionned, we haven’t managed to set a label (name) on the volume:

    module: ec2
    key_name: mykey
    group: webserver
    instance_type: m1.large
    image: ami-6e649707
    wait: yes
    wait_timeout: 500
    - device_name: /dev/sdb
      snapshot: snap-abcdef12
      device_type: io1
      iops: 1000
      volume_size: 100
      delete_on_termination: true

Pull requests to enhance docs would be welcome - we’re staging a hackfest to provide some better tutorials soon, but to some extent what keys are valid is a function of which Boto libraries you have.

So mostly it’s showing examples