Another EC2 question, when creating an instance using the ‘ec2’ task and specifying the volumes inline is it possible to:
a) obtain the volume id’s of the newly created volumes?
b) or alternatively immediately tag the volumes?
Another EC2 question, when creating an instance using the ‘ec2’ task and specifying the volumes inline is it possible to:
a) obtain the volume id’s of the newly created volumes?
b) or alternatively immediately tag the volumes?
This is something I really want to know
AFAIK you can't do that using the ec2 module directly. However, you
can list all volume's ids using ec2_vol module, register the output to
a variable and tag it with ec2_tags (I think you may also need a
fairly recent version of ansible to be able to tag the volumes). I've
been using this at work to create instances with custom (large) disks
for databases without problems.