Apart from the standard configuration on a job template to connect everything with webhook service from github, it always turns into 403 Permission denied.
Anything else to configure?
I have no idea what this has to do with ansible…
Because Ansible throws the error, that this request is denied. GitHub sends a webhook to Ansible and ansible denied.
So I do also not get your statement. Whtnis wrong on my question in asking this as webhook integration is very well know with GitLab and GitHub.
Maik Brauer via Outlook für iOS
This looks like a question for the AWX team, since you mentioned "job template".
What’s in your step that triggers the awx web hook?
I just followed the following guide
Should be straight forward. But GitHub reports that with an 403 permission denied.
So my question is, do i need to configure something else?
Maik Brauer via Outlook für iOS
Out of curiosity, what command is being used to call the github when you get the error?
Can you give a sample / example?
Does the command work at a command line level?
I tried to POST that via POSTMAN. Also there I got a HTTP403 Forbidden.
Due to sensitive data I can’t really post my example here as it contains company data.
But according to the HowTo guide it should be straight forward.
You can substitute w.x.y.z for the ip address or name of the web server, and change words or passwords and usernames to something else. It’s hard to diagnose an issue if you don’t know what the format of the command is you are using. I know, from personal experience, that just the number of spaces, quotes, etc are VERY sensitive as to placement.
For HTTP Header I choose:
Authorization: Bearer {Token from AWX job template }}
Content-Type: application/json