Getting bug fix (pull request) into develop branch

Hi all,

I have a very simple pull request at This fix makes it so the ansible module, nova_compute, works with HP Cloud and any cloud provider that has more than one region. It simply does this by providing the region name which is used to discern which endpoint to use, otherwise you get an error.

I also have an impending fix that makes it possible to use newer versions of Nova (such as are used on HP Cloud) where floating IPs have to be explicitly assigned (so you can actually get into the VM to automate it).

Is a pull request the best means of contributing code to the Ansible project?

Thanks much!

Patrick aka “CaptTofu” Galbraith

Yes, but be aware that the PR queue is pretty long so it might be a while before they get to it.

You might also want to join the Ansible Development list as well.!forum/ansible-devel


Yeah no need to post to either list about a pull request, we prioritize incomings and do see everything.

For things that are bugfix related that are obviously small, things tend to be serviced MUCH quicker, so with this one, you shouldn’t have any problems.

Submit a pull request via github if you haven’t already.
