GCP - Error while creating cluster using ansible playbook

Hello All,

I am trying to create a GCP cluster using the ansible playbook. Can you please review and advise what could be the issue?

When I run the playbook I get the error :

I installed the recommended package - request, google-auth , I don’t see any useful information from the logs ( option -vvv) when running the playbook

cachetools     2.1.0    
certifi        2018.4.16
chardet        3.0.4    
gdata          2.0.18   
google-auth    1.5.0    
idna           2.7      
pyasn1         0.4.3    
pyasn1-modules 0.2.2    
requests       2.19.1   
rsa            3.4.2    
setuptools     32.3.1   

The playbook looks like this :